Our Mission
We believe the word of God as given by inspiration from God through His Holy Spirit to His chosen vessels, whom while inscribing God’s documented truth for all of mankind, was moved with the power of God from the same Spirit of God. We commonly refer to this document as the Bible, which is in of itself, an accounting of the truth, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and power of God.
Whole Council of God
We declare the whole counsel of the Lord and we believe the word of God is a whole and complete record as God intended for all accounts which are noted in His Holy Bible. We believe therefore, that God’s creation and all of mankind shall not add nor take away from His Book.
Godhead Bodily: God-The Father, God-The Son, God-The Holy Spirit
As believers in God’s truth, we bear witness to God’s glory all around us. We know that God the Father, Abba Father, is the Creator of all; God the Son, Jesus Christ, is our Lord and Risen Savior; God the Spirit, Holy Spirit, is the Spirit of the Living God.
God’s Power
God is powerful and the same Spirit, which raised Jesus from the dead dwells among us, in our mortal bodies, so it is through this same Spirit, the Holy Spirit, which is key for the outpouring of signs, miracles, and wonders, testifying of God’s great power throughout the earth.
Great Commission
Through the revelation of revealed knowledge from God, according to His word, Fire Imparted Kingdom Ministries, was appointed as a ministry of servants for Jesus Christ, separated to the gospel by the will of God. As those chosen of God, this ministry functions in the revealed knowledge of God’s word, His Holy Bible, to bring the church body back to basics, believing in the Bible and all of God’s power, leaving nothing undone in order to carry forth the Great Commission as assigned by Christ Jesus.
Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ
For Jesus commanded, and as His disciples, we heed His voice by doing that which is our righteous requirement, to obey the commands of God. Therefore, we follow the commands of God, as Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
Kingdom Impact
Fire Imparted Kingdom Ministries shall continuously pursue the truth of God through His spiritual discernment, striving in the fulfillment of the Great Commission by teaching, preaching, and serving the Kingdom of God. Bringing truth, edification, and warning to the body of Christ, to impact the church body with positive change, fulfilling the call to build God’s Kingdom, “One Nation at a Time.”